Before Rhode Island: Early Peoples and Archaeology
Narragansett History
Roger Williams and the Founding of Rhode Island
Rhode Island, Slavery, and the Slave Trade
On the Burning of His Majesty’s Schooner Gaspee in 1772
Rhode Island in the American Revolution
The Underground Railroad in Rhode Island
Rhode Island and the Civil War
Rhode Island and the Industrial Revolution
Jewish History in Rhode Island
Immigration to Rhode Island
The Struggle for Woman Suffrage in Rhode Island
African American Civil Rights in Rhode Island
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This image, usually with the inscription, “Am I not a man and a brother,” was a symbol of the abolition movement in Britain and America in the 18th century. This particular image is a detail from a broadside: City of Providence- Philanthropy, Patriotism, Piety, 1832. Rhode Island Historical Society Collections RHiX34672
Rhode Island, Slavery, and the Slave Trade
Teacher Historical Background
Primary Sources
Narrative of Slave Revolt on Ship off Africa
Account of the Slave Ship Sally
South West View of Seat of Henry Merchant
Newport Gardner
African Free Union Society Meeting
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