Rhode Island Content Standards
The Struggle for Women’s Suffrage Education Standards
RI Civics & Government Grade Span Expectations
C&G 2: The Constitution of the United States establishes a government of limited powers that are shared among different levels and branches.
C&G 2–1 Students demonstrate an understanding of United States government (local, state, national) by…
c. identifying and describing ways in which people gain or fail to gain access to the institutions of the U.S. government (local, state, national) or other political institutions
C&G 2–2 Students demonstrate an understanding of the democratic values and principles underlying the U.S. government by…
b. analyzing the inherent challenges involved in balancing majority rule and minority rights
c. identifying and giving examples of the discrepancies between democratic ideals and the realities of American social and political life
d. discussing different historical understandings/ perspectives of democracy
C&G 3: In a democratic society all people have certain rights and responsibilities.
C&G 3–2 Students demonstrate an understanding of how of individuals and groups exercise (or are denied) their rights and responsibilities by…
b. identifying and explaining how an action taken by an individual or a group impacts the rights of others
d. identifying and explaining ways individuals and groups have exercised their rights in order to transform society
C&G 4: People engage in political processes in a variety of ways.
C&G 4–1 Students demonstrate an understanding of political systems and political processes by…
b. describing how and why individuals identify themselves politically
c. analyzing and interpreting sources (print and non-print discourse/media), by distinguishing fact from opinion, and evaluating possible bias/propaganda or conflicting information within or across sources
d. selecting a landmark campaign or election in the American political system, explaining the historical context and its significance, and evaluating its impact
e. analyzing multiple perspectives on an historical or current controversial issue
C&G 4–3 Students participate in a civil society by…
a. critically reflecting on their own civic dispositions
b. identifying and describing the role that various institutions play in meeting the needs of the community
c. identifying and analyzing the conflicts that exist between public and private life
C&G 5: As members of an interconnected world community, the choices we make impact others locally, nationally, and globally.
C&G 5-2 Students demonstrate an understanding of the benefits and challenges of an interconnected world by…
a. describing the interconnected nature of a contemporary or historical issue
b. analyzing and evaluating a contemporary or historical issue
C&G 5-3 Students demonstrate an understanding of how the choices we make impact and are impacted by, an interconnected world by…
a. predicting outcomes and possible consequences of a conflict, event, or course of action
RI Historical Perspectives Grade Span Expectations
HP 1: History is an account of human activities that is interpretive in nature.
HP –1 Students act as historians, using a variety of tools (e.g., artifacts and primary and secondary sources) by…
a. formulating historical questions, obtaining, analyzing, evaluating historical primary and secondary print and non-print sources
b. explaining how historical facts and historical interpretations may be different, but are related
c. identifying, describing, or analyzing multiple perspectives on an historical trend or event
d. using technological tools in historical research
HP 1–2 Students interpret history as a series of connected events with multiple cause-effect relationships, by…
a. explaining cause and effect relationships in order to sequence and summarize events, make connections between a series of events, or compare/contrast events
HP 2: History is a chronicle of human activities, diverse people, and the societies they form.
HP 2–1 Students connect the past with the present by…
a. explaining origins of major historical events
b. identifying and linking key ideas and concepts and their enduring implications
HP 2–2 Students chronicle events and conditions by…
a. creating narratives based on a particular historical point of view
b. synthesizing information from multiple sources to formulate an historical interpretation
HP 2–3 Students show understanding of change over time by…
a. tracing patterns chronologically in history to describe changes on domestic, social, or economic life
HP 3: The study of history helps us understand the present and shape the future.
HP 3–1 Students demonstrate an understanding of how the past frames the present by…
b. formulating a position or course of action on a current issue from a choice of carefully evaluated options, taking into account the historical underpinnings
HP 3–2 Students make personal connections in an historical context (e.g., source-to-source, source-to-self, source-to-world) by…
a. articulating an understanding of the meaning, implications, and impact of historical events on their lives today
b. analyzing how an historical development has contributed to current social, economic, or political patterns
HP 5: Human societies and cultures develop and change in response to human needs and wants.
HP 5–1 Students demonstrate an understanding that a variety of factors affect cultural diversity within a society by…
b. investigating the role of demographic factors (gender, ethnicity, class)U in creating cultural diversity in a society.
c. analyzing the contribution of diverse cultural elements
HP 5–3 Various perspectives have led individuals and/or groups to interpret events or phenomena differently and with historical consequences by…
a. utilizing sources (e.g., primary documents, secondary sources, oral histories) to identify different historical narratives and perspectives about the same events.
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