Module Publication Year: 2017
We would like to thank the following for their contributions to the “Roger Williams and the Founding of Rhode Island” module of the EnCompass Project.
- Purdue University graduate students under Professor Kristina Bross: Jeffrey Amos, Joseph Forte, Haley Larsen, McKinley Murphy, Lana Robyn, Kylie Regan
- Providence College undergraduate students under Professor Jeffrey Johnson: Elizabeth Reidy, Sydney Linhares, Emma Granowitz, Andrea Spencer, Mollie Stackhouse, Alex Warhall, Michelle Desjardins, Cassandra Gordan, and Molly Gorman
- Providence College partners Mark Caprio, Hailie Posey, and Rebecca Maxfield of Providence College Digital Projects & Metadata
- The many teachers who participated in the survey and focus groups
- RIHS staff members Jenn Wilson, Rachel Brask-Hutchinson, Renée Neely, J.D. Kay, Phoebe Bean, Michelle Chiles, and Geralyn Ducady
- Special thanks to Elyssa Tardif who initiated this project while she was the Director of the Newell D. Goff Center for Education and Public Programs at the RI Historical Society.
- Main essay by C. Morgan Grefe, Ph.D., Executive Director of the Rhode Island Historical Society. Many thanks to Dr. Grefe for also reviewing some of the object essays.
- Object essays by Ann Daly, Ph.D. Candidate in the Department of History at Brown University
- Many thanks to Lorén Spears, Executive Director, Tomaquag Museum, for reviewing some of the essays
- Project oversight by Geralyn Ducady, MA, Director of the Newell D. Goff Center for Education and Public Programs
This project was made possible through major funding from the Rhode Island Council for the Humanities (RICH), an independent state affiliate of the National Endowment for the Humanities. Any views, findings, conclusions, or recommendations expressed in this project do not necessarily represent those of the National Endowment for the Humanities.