Lesson Plans
Slavery, Citizenship, and Civil Rights: Documenting Rhode Island’s People of Color
In this set of unit plans, we have two that complement this module, “A Key to Understanding,” for grades five and six where students examine early Narragansett history through primary documents, and “Twelve Bushels of Indian Corn,” for grades nine to twelve which explores the issues of the enslavement of the Narragansett following King Philip’s War.
Native Voices Series
The Tomaquag Museum partnered with PBS Learning Media to produce three episodes of Native Voices for grades . Each episode comes with support materials for teachers including lesson plans. The episodes are Native Voices: Social Issues, Native Voices: Tomaquag Museum, and Native Voices: Wampum.
This Land is Home: A Seasonal Round in Native New England
The Haffenreffer Museum of Anthropology, Brown University offers an online learning module with an educator’s guide for grades three to five. It is a self-paced, virtual learning module that explores how the seasons shape traditional and contemporary Indigenous lifeways in New England.
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